Il progetto BOLOGNAisFAIR

Talking about SUSTAINABILITY is talking about FUTURE. To create Sustainable Economies means to equip ourselves of an essential tool to face the actual challenges humanity faces (rising inequality, climate change, forced migrations…) and build a better future for everyone. But without responsible consumers, no sustainable economy can cope with the challenge of the future.

This Map and the “Bolognaisfair” project are therefore a tool to direct the future towards positive horizons, towards a qualitative development of our societies. But to start it we lack the most valuable ingredient: YOU, your will to think that is possible to play an active role, your satisfaction while contributing to a better future!

This way the Map fulfills its purpose: it connects organizations, enterprises and artisans conscious for sustainable economy, with citizens/consumers aware of the effects of their choices. This is how we, as citizens/consumers, become a COMMON GOOD and drivers of change. This is the strength of BOLOGNA IS FAIR: to create a network of businesses in the Bologna area, make them visible to consumers, as part of the UNITED NATIONS commitment in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals.

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